Applying For Online Scholarships: 20 Mistakes To Stay Away From!


In the digital age, the quest for scholarships has largely moved online. This shift has opened up a world of opportunities for students worldwide, but it has also introduced new challenges. One of the most significant challenges when applying for online scholarships, is the rise of online scholarship scams. These scams prey on students’ hopes and dreams, promising scholarships that never materialize and sometimes even stealing personal information.

But fear not! This article is your guide on how to avoid online scholarship scams and navigate the minefield of online scholarship applications. We’ll provide you with essential online scholarship tips, helping you to identify legitimate opportunities and steer clear of pitfalls.

From understanding the importance of starting your scholarship search early to the significance of tailoring your application to each specific scholarship, we’ll cover 20 common mistakes students often make. 

  • Starting Research Too Late
  • Ignoring Smaller Scholarships
  • Filling Out a Scam Application
  • Applying for Ineligible Scholarships
  • Leaving an Application Incomplete
  • Making Errors on an Application
  • Reusing the Same Essays and Answers for Every Application
  • Not Checking the Source of the Scholarship
  • Missing Deadlines
  • Providing Wrong Contact Details
  • Not Applying at All
  • Not Following Instructions
  • Not Taking Advantage of All Available Resources
  • Not Showcasing Your Unique Qualities
  • Not Asking for Help
  • Not Keeping a Backup of Your Application
  • Not Preparing for Possible Interviews
  • Not Expressing Gratitude
  • Not Reapplying
  • Not Keeping Track of Your Applications

By avoiding these mistakes, you can increase your chances of securing a scholarship and make your academic dreams a reality.

So, let’s dive in and start your journey towards a successful scholarship application!

The Early Bird Gets the Scholarship

Starting your scholarship research early gives you ample time to find scholarships that are a good fit and to complete the application process. Don’t wait until the last minute!

In the world of scholarships, the early bird truly does get the worm. Scholarships often have deadlines that are well in advance of the start of the academic year. This means that if you wait until the last minute to start your scholarship search, you may miss out on numerous opportunities.

Starting your research early gives you ample time to find scholarships that are a good fit for your academic goals, personal achievements, and unique skills. It allows you to thoroughly understand the eligibility criteria, gather all necessary documents, and craft thoughtful, well-written essays.

Moreover, some scholarships have a limited amount of funds and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. By applying early, you increase your chances of being considered before the funds run out.

Additionally, starting early gives you a buffer in case of unexpected issues. For instance, you might need extra time to get a letter of recommendation, or you might encounter technical difficulties when submitting your application. If you’ve started the process early, such hiccups won’t result in missed deadlines.

Remember, securing a scholarship is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. It requires careful planning, consistent effort, and most importantly, time. So, be the early bird, start your scholarship search as soon as possible, and get a head start on your path to academic success.

Small Scholarships, Big Impact

Don’t overlook smaller scholarships. They often have less competition, and several smaller scholarships can add up to a significant amount.

When it comes to scholarships, it’s easy to be drawn to the allure of large, full-tuition scholarships. After all, they promise to cover a significant portion, if not all, of your educational expenses. However, these scholarships are often highly competitive, with thousands of students vying for a single award.

This is where small scholarships come into play. While they might not offer the same hefty sums, they come with their own set of advantages. For one, they often attract fewer applicants, which means less competition. This significantly increases your chances of being awarded the scholarship.

Moreover, small scholarships can add up. Winning several small scholarships can amount to the same financial aid as one large scholarship. For instance, ten scholarships worth $500 each can cover the same cost as a single $5000 scholarship.

Applying for small scholarships also allows you to cast a wider net. There are countless small scholarships out there, each with its own set of criteria. This diversity increases the likelihood of finding scholarships that align with your unique skills, experiences, and interests.

Lastly, small scholarships often come from local businesses, community organizations, and specific interest groups. These scholarships not only provide financial aid but also help you build connections within your community or field of interest.

So, don’t overlook the small scholarships. They might not seem like much on their own, but together, they can have a big impact on your educational journey. Remember, every little bit helps when it comes to financing your education.

Avoiding Scholarship Scams

Be cautious of online scholarship scams. Legitimate scholarships will never ask for payment or sensitive personal information like your Social Security number.

In the vast landscape of online scholarships, it’s unfortunate but true that not all opportunities are genuine. Online scholarship scams have become increasingly prevalent, exploiting students’ aspirations for financial aid. However, with the right knowledge, you can learn to identify and avoid these scams.

Firstly, remember the golden rule: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scams often lure students with promises of guaranteed wins or scholarships that require no application. Real scholarships require effort and are never guaranteed.

Secondly, legitimate scholarships will never ask for payment or sensitive personal information like your Social Security number. If a scholarship application asks for a ‘processing fee’ or ‘redemption fee’, it’s likely a scam. Scholarships are meant to give you money, not take it.

Thirdly, be wary of unsolicited opportunities. If you receive an email out of the blue proclaiming you’ve won a scholarship you never applied for, it’s likely not legitimate.

Fourthly, do your research. Before applying, ensure the scholarship is from a reputable source. Look for reviews or information about the scholarship or organization on trusted educational websites. If you can’t find any information about the scholarship or the provider, it’s a red flag.

Lastly, trust your instincts. If something feels off about the scholarship, the application process, or the organization offering it, it’s better to be safe and steer clear.

By staying vigilant and informed, you can navigate the world of online scholarships safely and successfully. Remember, the goal is to secure financial aid for your education, not fall victim to scams.

Eligibility is Key

Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for a scholarship. Applying for scholarships you’re not eligible for wastes your time and the time of the scholarship committee.

When it comes to applying for scholarships, one of the most crucial factors to consider is eligibility. Scholarships often have specific criteria that applicants must meet. These can range from academic achievements and extracurricular activities to community service and financial need. Some scholarships are even more specific, targeting students from certain geographical areas, cultural backgrounds, or fields of study.

Applying for scholarships you’re not eligible for is a common mistake that wastes both your time and the time of the scholarship committee. It can also lead to disappointment and frustration. Therefore, before you start the application process, make sure you thoroughly understand the eligibility criteria.

Read the scholarship requirements carefully. If you’re unsure about any aspect, don’t hesitate to reach out to the scholarship provider for clarification. They can provide valuable insights and help you understand whether the scholarship is a good fit for you.

Moreover, focusing on scholarships you’re eligible for can increase your chances of success. Instead of applying for every scholarship you come across, target those that align with your skills, interests, and circumstances. This targeted approach can save you time and increase the effectiveness of your scholarship search.

Applying For Online Scholarships

The Devil is in the Details

Ensure to fill out all sections of the application and provide all requested documents. Incomplete applications are often not considered.

When it comes to scholarship applications, the devil truly is in the details. Every part of the application, no matter how small it may seem, is important and serves a purpose. Incomplete or hastily filled applications can lead to immediate disqualification, regardless of how well you meet the eligibility criteria.

Firstly, ensure to fill out all sections of the application. Leaving sections blank can give the impression that you’re not serious about the scholarship or that you didn’t take the time to fully understand the application process.

Secondly, provide all requested documents. These can include transcripts, letters of recommendation, essays, or financial information. Each document plays a role in painting a complete picture of you as a candidate. Missing documents can lead to an incomplete picture and may affect your chances of securing the scholarship.

Thirdly, pay attention to the small details in the application. This can include things like the formatting of your essay, the file format of your documents, or even the naming convention of your files. These details might seem insignificant, but they can reflect your attention to detail and your ability to follow instructions.

Lastly, before submitting your application, double-check everything. Ensure all sections are filled out, all documents are attached, and all details are correct. A second review can help you catch any mistakes or omissions that you might have missed in the first round.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

Avoid any spelling or grammar mistakes. These can give a negative impression to the scholarship committee.

In the world of scholarship applications, proofreading is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. Spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, or poorly constructed sentences can leave a negative impression on the scholarship committee. They can suggest a lack of attention to detail or a rushed application process, neither of which are qualities that scholarship committees look for in successful candidates.

Proofreading goes beyond just checking for spelling and grammar errors. It’s about ensuring that your application is coherent, concise, and effectively communicates your message. Are your sentences clear and easy to understand? Does your essay answer the prompt effectively? Is your application consistent in terms of tone and style?

Here are a few tips for effective proofreading:

  1. Take a Break: After you’ve finished writing your application, take a break before you start proofreading. This can help you approach your work with fresh eyes and spot errors or inconsistencies more easily.
  2. Read Aloud: Reading your application aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing or run-on sentences that you might miss when reading silently.
  3. Use Technology: Tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word’s spell check can help identify spelling and grammar errors. However, don’t rely solely on these tools—always do a manual check as well.
  4. Get a Second Opinion: Have someone else read your application. They can provide valuable feedback and catch errors you might have overlooked.
  5. Check Formatting: Ensure your application follows any specified formatting guidelines. This includes font size, line spacing, and margin widths.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Each scholarship is unique and your application should be too. Tailor your essays and responses to each specific scholarship.

When it comes to scholarship applications, a one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to yield successful results. Each scholarship is unique, with its own set of criteria, values, and objectives. Therefore, your application should be tailored to each specific scholarship you apply for.

Reusing the same essays and answers for every application might seem like a time-saving strategy, but it can actually hinder your chances of success. Scholarship committees are looking for applicants who not only meet the eligibility criteria but also align with the values and objectives of the scholarship. A generic application may fail to demonstrate this alignment.

Here are a few tips to tailor your application:

  1. Understand the Scholarship: Research the scholarship and the organization offering it. What are their values and objectives? What kind of applicant are they looking for? Use this information to guide your application.
  2. Highlight Relevant Achievements: In your application, highlight the achievements and experiences that are most relevant to the scholarship. For instance, if the scholarship is for students who have demonstrated leadership, focus on your leadership experiences.
  3. Personalize Your Essay: If the scholarship requires an essay, make sure your essay is tailored to the prompt. Use the essay to demonstrate how you align with the scholarship’s values and objectives.
  4. Address the Criteria: Make sure your application clearly addresses all the eligibility criteria. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you meet each criterion.

Check Your Sources

Ensure the scholarship is from a reputable source to avoid scams. Research the scholarship provider before applying.

In the digital age, the internet is flooded with scholarship opportunities. While this has made it easier for students to find scholarships, it has also made it easier for scammers to trick students with fake scholarships. Therefore, it’s crucial to check your sources before applying for a scholarship.

Firstly, ensure the scholarship is from a reputable source. This could be a recognized university, a well-known organization, a government body, or a reputable private company. If you’ve never heard of the organization offering the scholarship, do some research. Look for reviews or information about the organization on trusted educational websites or news outlets.

Secondly, check if the scholarship is listed on the organization’s official website. Scammers often use the names of legitimate organizations to trick students. If the scholarship is not listed on the organization’s official website, it’s a red flag.

Thirdly, be wary of scholarships that ask for sensitive personal information, such as your Social Security number, or require payment. These are common signs of scholarship scams.

Lastly, trust your instincts. If something feels off about the scholarship, the application process, or the organization offering it, it’s better to be safe and steer clear.

Deadlines Matter

Each scholarship has a specific deadline. Make sure to submit your application on time. Late submissions are often not accepted.

In the realm of scholarship applications, deadlines are not mere suggestions—they are firm cut-off points. Each scholarship has a specific deadline, and missing it can mean missing out on the opportunity entirely. Late submissions are often not accepted, no matter how impressive your application might be.

Deadlines matter for several reasons. Firstly, they ensure a fair process by giving all applicants the same amount of time to prepare their applications. Secondly, they allow the scholarship committee to start the review process promptly and ensure the awards are given out on schedule.

Here are a few tips to ensure you never miss a scholarship deadline:

  1. Start Early: As mentioned earlier, starting your scholarship search and application process early gives you ample time to complete all requirements before the deadline.
  2. Organize: Keep a calendar or planner with all the scholarship deadlines. This can help you visualize your timeline and prioritize your applications.
  3. Set Reminders: Use digital tools like phone alarms or calendar reminders to alert you as the deadline approaches.
  4. Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute: Try to submit your application at least a few days before the deadline. This gives you a buffer in case of unexpected issues, like internet problems or website glitches.
  5. Time Zone Differences: If the scholarship provider is in a different time zone, make sure you’re clear on when the deadline is in your local time.

Contact Details Count

Provide accurate contact information. Most scholarship providers will contact the winner by email.

In the process of applying for scholarships, one detail that often gets overlooked is the importance of providing accurate contact information. This might seem like a minor detail, but it can have a major impact on your scholarship application.

Most scholarship providers will contact the winners and sometimes even the applicants via the contact information provided in the application. This typically includes email, phone number, and sometimes a mailing address. If the information you provide is incorrect or outdated, you might miss out on crucial communications. This could be an update about your application status, a request for additional information, or even the scholarship award notification.

Here are a few tips to ensure your contact details don’t let you down:

  1. Double-Check: Always double-check your contact information before submitting your application. A single typo in your email address or phone number can prevent the scholarship provider from reaching you.
  2. Use a Professional Email Address: It’s advisable to use a professional email address, preferably one that includes your name. This not only ensures you can access the email account, but also leaves a good impression on the scholarship committee.
  3. Check Your Email Regularly: Some communications may be time-sensitive. Regularly checking your email can ensure you don’t miss any important updates or requests.
  4. Check Your Spam Folder: Sometimes, emails from scholarship providers might end up in your spam folder. Make sure to check it regularly to avoid missing out on important communications.
  5. Provide a Reliable Phone Number: If a phone number is requested, make sure it’s one where you can be easily reached. If you’re not available to take calls at certain times, consider providing a home number or a parent’s number as a backup.

You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take

Many students don’t apply for scholarships because they think they won’t win. However, you can’t win if you don’t apply.

When it comes to applying for scholarships, many students hold back due to a variety of reasons. They might think they won’t win, believe they’re not good enough, or feel overwhelmed by the application process. However, the truth is, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Applying for scholarships can indeed be a daunting task. It requires time, effort, and a certain level of vulnerability as you put yourself out there to be evaluated. But it’s important to remember that every scholarship winner was once in your shoes, feeling the same doubts and fears.

Here are a few reasons why you should always take the shot:

  1. You Never Know Unless You Try: Scholarship committees look at a variety of factors, not just grades or athletic abilities. You might have something unique that catches their attention.
  2. Every Application is a Learning Experience: Each application you complete helps you understand the process better and improves your application skills for future opportunities.
  3. There Are Scholarships for Everyone: There are countless scholarships out there, each with its own set of criteria. You’re likely to find several that match your unique skills, experiences, and interests.
  4. Even Small Awards Help: Every bit of financial aid helps. Winning a smaller scholarship can still make a difference in reducing your educational expenses.
  5. Rejections Are Not Failures: If you don’t win, it doesn’t mean you failed. It’s an opportunity to learn, improve, and try again.

Follow the Instructions

Each scholarship application may have unique instructions. Failing to follow these instructions can lead to disqualification.

When applying for scholarships, it’s crucial to follow the instructions provided by the scholarship provider. These instructions are not arbitrary; they’re designed to ensure a fair and efficient review process and to help the scholarship committee evaluate applicants on a level playing field.

Failing to follow the instructions can lead to immediate disqualification, regardless of how well you meet the eligibility criteria or how impressive your achievements are. Here are a few tips to ensure you follow the instructions:

  1. Read Carefully: Before you start the application, read through all the instructions carefully. Make sure you understand what is required of you.
  2. Follow Formatting Guidelines: If the application includes specific formatting guidelines for essays or other written materials, make sure to follow them. This can include font size, line spacing, word count, and more.
  3. Provide Requested Information: Only provide the information that is requested in the application. Including unnecessary or unrequested information can be seen as failing to follow instructions.
  4. Use Correct Submission Methods: If the scholarship provider specifies a certain method for submitting the application (like by email or through a specific online portal), make sure to use that method.
  5. Ask for Clarification: If you’re unsure about any part of the instructions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the scholarship provider for clarification.

Use All Available Resources

Take advantage of resources that can help you secure scholarships, such as guidance counselors, online scholarship databases, and local community organizations.

When it comes to securing scholarships, it’s important to use all available resources. Many students overlook resources that can help them secure scholarships, which can limit their opportunities. Here are some resources you should consider:

  1. Guidance Counselors: Your school’s guidance counselors can be a wealth of information. They often have details about local scholarships and can provide advice on the application process.
  2. Online Scholarship Databases: Websites like Fastweb,, and Chegg Scholarships provide a vast array of scholarship opportunities. You can filter by criteria such as your field of study, hobbies, or demographic information to find scholarships that are a good fit for you.
  3. Local Community Organizations: Local clubs, religious organizations, and businesses often offer scholarships to local students. Check with organizations in your community to see if they offer any scholarships.
  4. Your College’s Financial Aid Office: If you’re already enrolled in college, your school’s financial aid office can be a great resource. They can provide information about scholarships specific to your school or field of study.
  5. Social Media: Many organizations use social media to advertise their scholarships. Follow organizations related to your field of study or interests to stay updated on their scholarship opportunities.
  6. Family and Friends: Don’t underestimate the power of your network. Family members, friends, or mentors may know of scholarships that you haven’t come across.

Showcase Your Unique Qualities

Scholarships are often awarded based on unique qualities or achievements. Make sure to highlight these in your application.

When applying for scholarships, it’s important to showcase your unique qualities. Scholarships are often awarded based on unique qualities or achievements, not just academic performance. Therefore, your application should highlight what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Here are a few tips to help you showcase your unique qualities:

  1. Identify Your Unique Qualities: Take some time to reflect on what makes you unique. This could be a special talent, a personal achievement, a challenging experience you’ve overcome, or even a unique hobby or interest.
  2. Highlight Your Unique Qualities in Your Application: Once you’ve identified your unique qualities, make sure to highlight them in your application. This could be in your personal statement, your essay, or the ‘additional information’ section of the application.
  3. Provide Evidence: Don’t just state your unique qualities—provide evidence. If you say you’re a great leader, provide examples of your leadership experiences. If you say you’re committed to community service, mention the volunteer work you’ve done.
  4. Get a Second Opinion: Sometimes, it can be hard to identify what makes us unique. Don’t hesitate to ask teachers, mentors, or family members for their perspective. They might point out unique qualities you hadn’t considered.
  5. Be Authentic: While it’s important to showcase your unique qualities, it’s equally important to be authentic. Don’t exaggerate or make up qualities just to impress the scholarship committee. Authenticity resonates more than fabrication.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you’re unsure about something in the application process, don’t hesitate to ask for help. 

This could be from a teacher, counselor, or even the scholarship provider. If you’re unsure about the scholarship requirements or the application process, reach out to the scholarship provider. They can provide accurate information and clarify any doubts you may have.

Keep a Backup

Keep a copy of your application and all associated documents. This can be helpful if there are any issues with your application.

Keeping a backup of your scholarship applications and all associated documents is a smart move that can save you a lot of stress and trouble. It’s not uncommon for technical glitches to occur, for emails to get lost in cyberspace, or for physical documents to go missing. Having a backup ensures that you’re prepared for such situations.

Here are a few tips on how to keep a backup:

  1. Digital Copies: Save digital copies of all your applications and documents on your computer. Consider using cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox for an extra layer of security.
  2. Email: Email yourself copies of all your applications and documents. This not only creates a backup but also allows you to access your applications from anywhere.
  3. Physical Copies: If the application process involves physical documents, keep photocopies of everything you send. This can be especially helpful if the original documents get lost or damaged.
  4. Record Keeping: Keep a record of when and how you submitted each application. This can be helpful if there are any discrepancies or if you need to follow up on your application.
  5. Updates and Revisions: If you update or revise your application, make sure to backup the new version. It’s a good idea to keep old versions as well, as they might contain information or ideas you can use in future applications.

Prepare for Interviews

Some scholarships may require an interview. Being unprepared for this can hurt your chances of securing the scholarship.

Some scholarships may require an interview as part of the application process. This is an opportunity for the scholarship committee to get to know you better and for you to further demonstrate your suitability for the scholarship. Being unprepared for this can hurt your chances of securing the scholarship.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for scholarship interviews:

  1. Research: Learn as much as you can about the scholarship and the organization offering it. This can help you understand what they’re looking for in a candidate and tailor your responses accordingly.
  2. Practice: Practice common interview questions and your responses to them. This can help you feel more confident and articulate your thoughts more clearly during the actual interview.
  3. Prepare Your Own Questions: Most interviews will give you the opportunity to ask your own questions. Prepare thoughtful questions that show your interest in the scholarship and the organization.
  4. Dress Appropriately: Treat the interview like a job interview. Dress professionally and appropriately to make a good impression.
  5. Be Punctual: Make sure to arrive on time for the interview. If the interview is online, check your tech setup in advance to avoid any last-minute issues.
  6. Be Authentic: Be yourself during the interview. Authenticity resonates more than rehearsed responses.

Express Gratitude

If you’re awarded a scholarship, make sure to express your gratitude. This can help build a positive relationship with the scholarship provider.

Expressing gratitude after being awarded a scholarship is not only a matter of good manners, but it also helps to establish a positive relationship with the scholarship provider. It shows that you appreciate the opportunity you’ve been given and that you don’t take their support for granted.

Here are a few tips on how to express your gratitude:

  1. Write a Thank You Letter: A heartfelt thank you letter is one of the best ways to express your gratitude. In your letter, mention how the scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals and express your appreciation for the provider’s support.
  2. Follow Their Guidelines: Some scholarship providers may have specific guidelines on how to express your gratitude, such as whom to address your thank you letter to or whether to send it by email or post. Make sure to follow these guidelines.
  3. Be Timely: Send your thank you letter promptly after receiving the scholarship award. A timely response shows that you’re organized and respectful of the provider’s time.
  4. Stay in Touch: Consider keeping the scholarship provider updated on your academic progress. This not only shows your ongoing appreciation but also demonstrates the impact of their support.

Don’t Be Discouraged, Reapply

If you don’t secure a scholarship for one year, don’t be discouraged. Many scholarships allow you to reapply in subsequent years.

Not securing a scholarship can be disappointing, but it’s important not to be discouraged. Many scholarships allow you to reapply in subsequent years, and not winning one year doesn’t mean you won’t win the next.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider reapplying:

  1. Improved Application: Each time you apply for a scholarship, you gain more experience and insight into the process. You can use this knowledge to improve your future applications.
  2. Changed Circumstances: Your circumstances can change from one year to the next. You might have new academic achievements, extracurricular activities, or volunteer experiences that strengthen your application.
  3. Different Applicant Pool: The pool of applicants can vary from year to year. Just because you didn’t win one year doesn’t mean you won’t have a better chance the next year.
  4. Increased Eligibility: As you progress through your academic career, you might become eligible for scholarships that you previously weren’t.

Remember, persistence is key when it comes to applying for scholarships. Don’t be discouraged by a rejection. Instead, use it as a learning experience and motivation to improve your future applications. Keep applying, keep improving, and don’t give up. Your persistence could eventually pay off with a scholarship award.

Keep Track of Your Applications

Keep track of which scholarships you’ve applied for, when you applied, and when you can expect a response. This can help you manage your time and expectations.

Keeping track of your scholarship applications is an important part of the application process. It can help you manage your time, ensure you meet all deadlines, and keep you updated on your application status.

Here are a few tips on how to keep track of your applications:

  1. Create a Spreadsheet: A spreadsheet is a great tool for tracking your applications. You can include columns for the scholarship name, the application deadline, the date you submitted the application, the documents required, and the date you can expect a response.
  2. Use a Calendar: Mark the application deadlines on a calendar and set reminders for a few days before each deadline. This can help ensure you never miss a deadline.
  3. Keep a Record of Correspondence: Keep a record of all correspondence with the scholarship provider, including emails and phone calls. This can be helpful if there are any discrepancies or issues with your application.
  4. Follow Up: If you haven’t heard back from the scholarship provider by the expected date, don’t hesitate to follow up. This shows your interest in the scholarship and ensures your application didn’t get lost in the shuffle.
  5. Reflect and Learn: Once the application process is over, reflect on your experiences. What went well? What could you improve for next time? Keeping track of these reflections can help you improve your future applications.


Applying for scholarships is a process that requires time, effort, and attention to detail. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of securing a scholarship. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and most importantly, don’t give up!

Further Reading:

12 Top Resources for Finding and Applying to Scholarships: Your Guide to Funding Your Education

10 Expert Tips For Writing A Strong Scholarship Essay.

Prestigious Scholarships: Personality’s Role in Career Paths

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